Blog #10 - Return of the KleederBros!

#music #videos

2023-10-29 - 554 Views

We successfully made our way through the spooky month of the year, isn't that cool?
And with halloween just around the corner, it is also time for my 10th blog entry - the entry which is summarizing the month of October!

My previous blog has been a little delayed due to my vacation. In that one, I already told you everything important about my travel and can completely focus on the stuff that happend afterwards in this post.
But what did I even do this month? It actually feels like the exciting and extremely packed previous months were the peak in activity this year, and October took a step back and I relaxed more - which was very needed to be honest.
I spent much more time watching videos again this month, meeting up with friends and focussing on my full-time job rather than my hobbies, but that doesn't mean I wasn't able to get anything done.

I am still part of the Grand Classist Tournament hosted over the BotB Threads, successfully finished and won the second Round of it and am now fighting against kilowatt64 in Round 3. You can check out my review-series on my YouTube-Channel and also my Round 1 entry and Round 2 entry separately. I will also upload more reviews as well as my Round 3 entry to the channel as well soon.
It is not decided yet if I will make it to the next round of the Tournament or not, but I am already excited I got that far.

Apart from my music making, I also reactivated the KleederBros YouTube-Channel together with Ole with the release of Super Mario Bros. Wonder. I am very happy and full of motivation to continue the channel together with him and also bring back some old projects, too.
Together with the return of the videos, we also started again to add new articles to the KleederBros-Wiki which is always a fun read for everyone who knows german.
I feel like my focus in the next months will be more YouTube-driven again, which is something I don't mind at all, and judging my everyones feedback, our subscribers don't mind either :D

And that's everything for this month. Kinda short but I guess there was just not much to say. See you all next month, and thanks for reading!!