Blog #14 - About upcoming events and travels!

#music #videos #travel

2024-05-19 - 235 Views

It's been a while again, but there are some exciting things I would like to announce so let's go!

Since the last blog, I have been working on many new projects and also went to the USA again. Most important thing directly at the beginning: No, this time there will definitely be no travel vlog. The reason why I can say this for sure is because I didn't record any content this time. Only some images with my phone, where I already shared some on my bluesky account.
But it was a lot of fun! Visited some parks, zoos and an island, as well as a salt lake, Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon. Especially the Grand Canyon visit was unplanned and just happened because we ended up being very close to the West Grand Canyon Park anyway. A trip to that place was actually planned for a much later trip :D ...

Maybe I should talk about my travel plans more. Because there are quite a few at this point! Apart from the general idea to travel a lot more and to see so many more places, I have some more specific ideas on what to do in the next few years, including some vlogging along the trips.. So let's go through these:
- Liechtenstein: This July, I will visit the tiny country between Switzerland and Austria and walk around the country for 3 days! Very excited to see what this small place has to offer!
- Oregon & Washington: Yes, my current plans will get me to the Northwest US states. Probably by the end of September this year, I am planning a three week trip up north, starting in California. I hope this one works out!
- England: Another bigger trip I am really looking forward to is a trip from the south up to the north of England, including stops in many of the bigger cities along the way. The idea is to travel through this country entirely by train, so let's see how this will work out! It is roughly planned for 2025.
- Arizona/Utah/Colorado/New Mexico: This one is a longer one, roughly a whole month of travelling, Starting in Phoenix, we want to drive a big circle through those four states and visit several places. It is unclear when exactly we are gonna do this trip because it involves a lot of planning and time, so I will leave the ETA open for now. But it is planned and I am very hyped for it!
- Korea: Another trip without an ETA, but I really want to improve my korean first before going here - I just think it would be more fun to understand more when being in the country. Maybe 2026? No idea!!
- Germany: I know this sounds silly, because I am from Germany, BUT I really want to travel more through this country, especially visiting the states that I didn't really pay attention to before and the ones that I never visited before. This will most likely not be one big trip but rather several smaller ones, but I am really looking forward to it. My idea was to cut all the trips together into one bigger video to show how diverse and beautiful the country is that I live in since I was born c:

And there is actually another country I will visit soon. It is Denmark! The reason why I talk about this one separately, is because there is an event attached to my Denmark-visit, which I like to talk about a little more!
At the end of July, from the 25th to the 27th, there will be a Chiptune Open Air Festival on Bornholm and me and TrippleP will perform there live! I am very excited to do my first live performance and I am also very happy that Phil is joining me. You can find out more about the event and even buy tickets yourself here, if you are interested. There will hopefully be a video of our act after it happened somewhere on my YouTube-Channel :D

Soooo, apart from travel and event planning, I was also focussing on finishing a concept album, which I uploaded entirely to BotB's Spring Tracks XIII battle. It is a musical journey following places that I visited on my 2023 USA-Trips and you can find the whole playlist here.

There is more new stuff, though! Ole and me finally got back into Minecrafting. We published four new videos of this project on our YouTube-Channel KleederBros and are planning to livestream more of it on my Twitch channel. I also started sporadically livestreaming my own projects again, because I noticed it is making me more productive. So expect more of that in the future (maybe...)!

There are many more things on my project list that I want to get to soon, and I am excited to talk more about them at some point, but for now, I think this is enough for one blog c:
Thanks for reading and until next time! Enjoy the approaching summer, because i definitely do!