Blog #15 - Exciting News and Events this Summer!

#music #videos #travel

2024-08-22 - 129 Views

Hello everyone! I am back with a new blog and today I have a lot of exciting things to announce!

My last update was mid-may, and since then I've been travelling, starting new projects and reviving old projects!
Let's start by talking about my vacation! In early July I visited Lindau and Stuttgart in South Germany, Zürich in Switzerland and then spent a few days in Liechtenstein. The trip was great, I saw so many amazing landscapes and historical buildings. I recorded some footage and already published a VLOG of my trip, which you can watch here on my YouTube channel.

I am already excited about my upcoming vacation in September/October, when I will visit the west coast of the US again and hopefully make a trip up north to Oregon and Washington. There are some factors I still need to sort out until I'm sure if this can actually happen how it's planned, but let's hope it will all work out! c:
You can also check the previous blog to find out more about my upcoming travel plans!

Let's move on by talking about the other big thing in July, which was the Chipwrecked Festival on Bornholm! I got invited to perform a live set at the festival and took my friend TrippleP with me. We prepared by remaking and remastering a lot of our older tracks, creating a setlist and learning how to use a DJ turntable. You can find our full liveset on my music channel as well as on Bandcamp.
This festival was a lot of fun and finally being able to perform my music live was like a dream coming true. I am very excited to go back to this festical again next year! I also made a VLOG and published it here.

Another exciting announcement to make is the start of Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii on the KleederBros-Channel. We basically planned to play this game for 10 years now, so I am happy it is finally happening.
Another new project on that channel is a Podcast format, with new episodes every weekend. I am glad this format is finally coming to life, after I had the idea for several months now. Doing a podcast is something I was always interested in, but I didn't really wanna do it alone, so it's cool that Ole liked the idea as well! I hope you enjoy us talking about a wide range of topics. It is very similar to our Minecraft Let's Play I would say.

This wraps up the most exciting announcements for now. Other probably notable infos include some smaller stuff: I finally managed to finish my private watch list. Believe it or not, this watch list was constantly filled with videos since 2011 and I only got around to actually empty it this month! Obviously, with upcoming new series, movies and YouTube videos, it will never stay empty, but at least I can now finally focus on upcoming things mostly and don't feel like the big unwatched list of things is haunting me. So that's cool, hehe~

I also used the August to focus a little more on some smaller and private todos as well as putting a bigger focus on my job, which is also a lot of fun. My Todo list finally looks managable again after it was all over the place in June and July. :D
There are, of course, still some smaller and bigger projects on there, otherwise it would be boring! I am planning to compose some music in the next few weeks before I fly over to the US again. There will be more videos on the KleederBros-Channel of course. And a small new music/sound project on my music channel.
I have a few other unfinished projects as well, including my novel... Yes, I didn't forget about it. Don't worry!
There is more exciting stuff happening in the future months, I am sure about that. Let's see how it goes!

Thanks for reading and have a great remaining summer!