Blog #16 - 2024 Review and Future Plans for 2025

#music #books #videos #travel

2024-12-28 - 224 Views

I blinked just once and suddenly, the year is over??

Welcome to the last blog entry of 2024! Wow, the time passed. I think I say this everytime I write a new blog, but that's just because it's true.
Now it's time to look back on the year, as well as looking towards the upcoming one.

My last blog was in August, when I just released a couple of VLOGs on my main channel and a few new projects launched on my German Let's Play channel KleederBros. In the next months, those projects continued and we successfully finished Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii at the end of November with 50 Parts. It's crazy to think about it - this project used to be one of our todos for almost 10 years now. And we finally did it. In other words, the remaining projects we still have on our todo list shrink even further. Next up is Super Mario 3D World, which hopefully starts sometime in January.
Regarding the KleederBros channel, our main focus apart from that will be the Podcast as well as the Minecraft project. But we also hope to put more focus back on the Duell series too. Of course, adding more to the KleederBros-Wiki is part of our priorities as well.

My music channel continues its weekly music uploads, but I also launched a new monthly series of Field Recordings / Ambience. All of these ambience recordings were taken by me on several vacations and walks. Nothing too exciting, but I enjoy doing these, so I will continue doing it c:

Another thing I should mention is the successful Week of Charity 2024, for which I made a Soundtrack again together with mioh and you can listen to it on Bandcamp. My goal is to compose more again for the 2025 event.

I then had an amazing roadtrip together with my partner for a little over three weeks, where we passed through all of California, Oregon and Washington on a big LA - Seattle - LA trip. We met a lot of BotBrs (battle of the bits users) and generally had a lot of fun and saw many places. I still have a VLOG planned for the trip, but so far I didn't find the time to cut and release it. Let's hope I manage in early 2025 :D

This also makes me realize that I have a few travels planned for 2025, but so far, I can't say for sure if and to what extend they will happen, because there are more important things I need to figure out first. Some plans I had for 2024 had to be postponed to 2025 but it seems like they are just around the corner now. Nervous and exciting! I will talk about it more in the future!!
Something I definitely wanna do is travel more through Germany and record some of that for a VLOG. I also have the upcoming Chipwrecked in mind, which is currently aiming to take place in August. Everything else will be announced when it's time.

What else is there to talk about?
Ah right, we have my KleederLP channel, for which I was about to play Undertale Yellow together with my partner. Well, let's say the project is paused but not cancelled. We just need to find the time. I hope we will have more time for this sometime in the next months. Sorry, if anyone was waiting for new videos.

I also composed a lot of music in November for the Oops! All New Formats Major Battle. Look up my username and listen to some of them. I like most of what I did there - a few selected tracks will also make it on my KleederMusic channel on YouTube.

Then, i spent a lot of time recreating my private Todo-List in a different app, which might or might not help me to structure my work better. It also told me, that I have too many things planned for the next year already, so if I can at least get 50% of everything done, I will be happy haha...
The main reason why I even moved everything to a new app was because I'm hoping for a better overview of everything I did for my novel so far. In November, I spent more time than usual on actually writing on chapters for it. Sounds crazy, I know. But here we are. I hope I can get a first complete draft of the first part of my novel until June. That would be my goal. Let's see if I can hold up to it. It won't get released by then, but it will be a tiny milestone for me and hopefully something to build onto.

Overall, things have been going well. Some stuff took more time than anticipated, but when I look back now, it seems like everything works out slowly and steady. Which is very cool and promising for the next year. I'm excited to see what it will be like!

WIth that being said, I hope you had a good year, but remember: No matter how good or bad your last year has been, I hope the next one will be better!

Thanks for reading my blog!