Blog #17 - The issue with my projects...

2025-02-06 - 56 Views

I recently went through all my different Todo lists and compiled them into a much bigger, but centralized list, where I can also sort and filter by category much easier. It works very well. Finally, I can see all my current and planned video projects, as well as my music projects and writing projects etc. side by side. I can filter them by "done" or by "in progress" or by category or I can sort them by most recent deadlines first. It's super helpful, especially if you're chronically overloaded with projects like me.

Don't ask me, why I had a lot of different lists before. They were everywhere. I had Todo lists in my private Telegram Chat, as handwritten notes, as a Google Doc... and it wasn't sorted by category or anything, I just put in my thoughts and ideas and todos in the first app I could find to write it down. A total mess.
But one thing, that all those lists did for me, was to hide the fact, that I am completely overloaded with projects.

When I finally had all the project ideas and todos I was able to find put down in my big table, I realized how it had 30-40 entries suddenly. That's so much! It's way too much, to be exact. Of course, most of those projects are currently paused, not started yet, or simple ideas... but they are all there. They sit there and stare at me menacingly... And I know, I want to eventually tackle them and work on them.

But here's the problem. How am I supposed to do all of them, if I can't finish projects as quick as I get ideas for new ones? Yep, that's it. My brain produces more or less good ideas every week, and even though I don't actually remember to write all of them down, it is still a big amount that do make their way onto my lists. And once they sit there, I just can't bring myself to delete them from my list again.

To me, creative ideas, no matter if I fleshed them out or just put down a single note about them, are extremely valuable. I want to store them, keep them, protect them. And I always think: "What if I really want to do random idea x one day? What if I am bored one day and look at my list and this specific idea is exactly what I want to do?"
And also, whenever I write down an idea, I already have a vision of it in my head. Which means, I want to get the satisfaction to see it in reality. Maybe this is my personal drug. The dopamine I get out of finishing a project. Therefore I create and collect project ideas like crazy, overloading myself with all of them...

And you know, all of this wouldn't even be a big issue. It's just some text in a file, right? I can ignore it, if I want to.

The problem is, that I can't anymore. I keep thinking about this insane backlog I have. And everytime I want to sit down and do nothing, I feel like this big pile of project ideas is creepily sitting behind me and wants me to get back up.
I think the reason why I write this down is simply to admit: I have an issue with quitting projects. I have an issue with getting rid of project ideas. I am an idea hoarder.
And I want to change this actually.

As much as I love to get new ideas and eventually wortking on them, I think I want to improve my own state of mind by actively deleting ideas from my list. Just a few, once in a while. But because I dislike to just get rid of the ideas with noone ever hearing about it, I think I will instead share them and make them public - so that everyone who wants can take the idea and turn it into reality. Even if noone does that, I still feel like I at least communicated an idea I like.

Not too sure yet about the way I will share the "abandoned" ideas. Maybe just as a blog post. Or maybe as a video. But that would be a project again, right? We don't want too many projects. Therefore, I will *not* make it a video series. Instead, I will tell you right here, right now, that it would be a cool idea, too turn this into a video series. Awesome, first idea off the list. Let's see, how many more I can get rid like this and instead share them with you. Let's try to turn this into a habit - getting rid of a few cool project ideas everytime I write a blog post. :D

I think, this is all I wanted to say today. Thank you for reading!